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Thinking is a very precious gift that nature has given to us humans. But, sometimes we cheerfully ignore this fact that it is good only if we take it in a positive direction. Sometimes humans misuse this precious power by thinking too much which leads to worry and ultimately saddens them.


In a lay man’s language, worry is something which causes displeasure and upsets the mood of a person. A worried person has an air of negativity about himself. It is acquired by constantly thinking about all the negative outcomes which may possibly happen, despite knowing that the probability of happening of a negative incident is very low (Statistics student, you see :p)


It is true that worry gives rise to emotions and our mind refuses to think about anything else but the thing that is causing problem. In the recent past the stress level of people on an average has increased substantially. The fear of getting rejected and the fear of making mistakes give rise to over thinking which ultimately worries us. Negative thoughts keep on tormenting the brain and a person despite being physically present in the real world becomes oblivious to everything going around him.


Negative thinking has many side effects; it damages the brain cells and reduces the level of secretion of the serotonin (happiness hormone) in our body. It reduces the productivity of an individual. It also changes the normal behavior of a person and transforms him into an aggressive, chaotic and messed up individuals. (Who wants that?)


One has to realize the patent absurdity of worrying. It does no good. In order to pacify our minds we need to understand this fact that the world is not a wish granting factory and things will fall in place if they’re meant to be. Hence, pleasant idleness minus worry is something that we all must practice. We must Learn to live in the present and laugh often. After all, it has been rightly said that,

“If you can conquer your physical and mental being, you can conquer anything in the world!”

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